What do Carers Oxfordshire do?
Ensuring that people recognise their role as a carer and ensuring they receive the support they need to look after themselves enables them to more effectively care for their loved ones; and helps people plan for and avoid crises. Please contact the Carers line (01235 424 715) if you would like to talk to someone.
How can Carers Oxfordshire help?
- Meet with one of our experts, who can visit you at home or other suitable location, to offer personal support in looking after your needs as a carer.
- Carer Assessments: All carers are entitled to an assessment of their needs because they provide support to someone.
- Volunteer support to offer you help in the community.
- Regular newsletter ‘Care Matters’ and info mails which offer news and articles specific to carers.
- Support in planning for the unexpected.
- Access to specially-designed free workshops that give practical and emotional support for carers and ex-carers.
- Access to days out, activities and events which are bespoke for carers
- Free access to a wide range of digital tools and essential resources that may help make a caring situation easier, using our free access Code DGTL4822.
- Offer peer support through meeting other carers and sharing experiences and information
- Link you to ‘Voices of Experience’ which provides opportunities for carers to have their voices heard and acted on by service commissioners.
To find out more either call 01235 424 715 or visit the Carers Oxfordshire website http://www.carersoxfordshire.org.uk. Alternatively, a Dementia Adviser can refer you to the service.

Young Carers
If you are a Young Carer you can find out more about the support on the Oxfordshire County Council website.