Dementia information

Here you will find information and advice on memory concerns, driving, travel & holidays, medication, and financial & legal matters. This information is aimed at people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends and professionals. We have a specific section of the site dedicated to information for carers.

Getting a diagnosis for you or a loved one can be overwhelming at first. However, it opens up many opportunities for you to be better supported along your dementia journey.
Someone living with dementia may struggle to regularly take what they’re prescribed, or be taking more medication than necessary.
A diagnosis of dementia can make travelling more difficult. There are some things that may make holiday planning easier and lots of tips to consider before you travel.
People living with dementia are able to carry on using the skills they have in areas such as making music, visual art and craft making, for far longer than it might once have been assumed.
You may have questions about how to pay for care and support and how to ensure your wishes and preferences can be respected.
A diagnosis does not always mean you have to give up driving. There are ways to make driving easier and options if you are giving up driving.
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing significant memory loss, confusion, or problems with language and decision-making, then it is important to seek an assessment from a doctor. 
There are many activities someone living with dementia can do from home and many of which are free. Its worth having a go and anything you might enjoy.