Memory support

What is our Memory Support Service?

The Memory Support Service (MSS) provides tailored information and support to anyone who is concerned about their memory. Accessing help from our Memory Support Service does not require you to have a diagnosis of dementia.

Eligibility for support

The Memory Support Service is designed to help you if you fall into any one of the following categories: 

  • have memory concerns (excluding age-related concerns)
  • have a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
  • have been referred to a memory clinic but are waiting for an appointment. 
To be eligible for this service, you have to be registered with a GP Practice within Oxfordshire. 
Only your GP (or another medical professional) can refer you to the service. This is so that we know there is no other underlying cause which may be causing memory issues. 
We only accept referrals from medical professionals.

Support available through this service

Our friendly and expert Advisers will arrange a phone appointment during which they can provide information and support around a broad range of topics and can refer you to other organisations if necessary. 

Some of the topics they may cover include: 

  • Explaining how Memory Clinic appointments work 
  • Advice on making healthy lifestyle choices
  • Suggestions for memory-related coping strategies
  • Ideas for keeping safe and well
  • Information about local groups and activities to help you keep socially connected
  • An overview of the support available from health, social care & other local services
  • Suggestions for assistive technology and using aids around the home
  • A benefits check and how to claim benefits you may be entitled to
  • Advice on planning ahead, including discussions around Power of Attorney /Advance Care Planning. 

We know that many people who have memory issues struggle to access help and support without a formal diagnosis of dementia. We want our Memory Support Service to change that.

Contact us


Support Line: 01865 410 210

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