Event Series Harwell Memory Cafe

Harwell Memory Cafe

The Harwellian Westfield, Harwell, Didcot

This musical memory cafe boasts live music from local singers and groups for you to enjoy. It's a warm and safe environment for people living with dementia and their carers to socialise and relax. The Harwellian Club has a bar where you can purchase refreshments also. It costs £2.50 per person to attend, or it's ... Read more

Event Series Cuttlebrook memory cafe

Cuttlebrook memory cafe

Come along to Care UK's bi-weekly memory café, running on the first and third Wednesday of the month. The café provides a relaxed, informal setting for people living with dementia and their family, friends and carers. Share your experiences, get involved in activities and make new friends.

Autumn Information Fayre

Windmill Community Centre Hempton Rd, Deddington, Banbury

Come along to our Autumn Information Fayre to learn how we support all people with a diagnosis of dementia, as well as their families, and carers. We will also be joined by various support services offering information, advice and entertainment throughout the day for you to enjoy. Wednesday 4th September, 10am - 3pm. Please get in ... Read more

Event Series Games and Gossip

Games and Gossip (Young onset)

Oxford United Training Ground Roman Way, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Games and Gossip offers an opportunity for everyone supported by Young Onset Dementia Oxfordshire to participate in a variety of outdoor games, experience the fresh air and get some light exercise, no matter where they are in their dementia journey.

The Hive – Sonning Common community coffee morning

Sonning Common Village Hall Wood Lane, Sonning Common, England, United Kingdom

On the first Thursday of each month, from 10 am - 12 pm, we'll be joining Age UK Oxfordshire and Carers Oxfordshire at 'The Hive', a community coffee morning in Sonning Common. You'll be able to get advice and support from your local Community Link Workers, Social Prescribers, Dementia Advisers and Carer Advisers, all in ... Read more

Event Series Carterton Memory Cafe

Carterton Memory Cafe

The Sanctuary Carterton Methodist Church, Burford Road, Carterton

The Forget Me Not Cafe is a great opportunity for those in and around Carterton to connect with their community. The cafe is designed for people living with dementia, their family and carers. One of our Dementia Advisers will attend these sessions to help anyone needing information, advice, and guidance with dementia. The Cafe runs ... Read more

Event Series Didcot Memory Cafe

Didcot Memory Cafe

Valerian Court Care Home The Broadway, Didcot

The Didcot Memory Cafe is a great place to sit down with a cup of tea and meet people who are in the same situation as you. Tea, coffee, and other refreshments will be provided. Parking is available and a bus stop is nearby. The venue is also wheelchair accessible. The cafe runs every other ... Read more

Event Series Faringdon advice drop-in

Faringdon advice drop-in

Faringdon Library Gloucester Street, Faringdon

A place for anyone with dementia, their carers, family, or even neighbours to drop in and speak to your local dementia adviser for advice and support on: How to support someone living with dementia Local services, social groups, and leisure opportunities Staying independent and adaptations for the home Legal issues, finances, benefits, and allowances Takes ... Read more

Event Series Chipping Norton community clinic

Chipping Norton community clinic

Southerndown Care Home Worcester Road, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

A place for anyone living with dementia (including those awaiting a diagnosis), their carers, family, and friends to meet with a local Dementia Adviser for advice and support on: How to best support someone living with dementia Local services, social groups, and leisure opportunities Legal issues, finances, benefits, and allowances The clinic takes place on ... Read more

Event Series Bicester Memory Cafe

Bicester Memory Cafe

Bicester Methodist Church Bell lane, Bicester

A free opportunity to enjoy coffee, cake and companionship to promote living well with dementia. A Dementia Adviser will be able to connect you to local support services and provide advice & information. There is free parking in the area, with disabled parking available nearby. The venue is also just a short walk from the ... Read more

Event Series Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk (Young onset)

Blenheim Palace Woodstock, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

A social group that meets at Blenheim Palace. A great opportunity to experience the outdoors, get some exercise and meet new people!   The group runs on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, from 11am - 1pm. For more information or to let us know you're coming, please email youngonset@dementiaoxfordshire.org.uk

Headington post-diagnostic education session – Part 1

Bullingdon Community Centre Headington, Oxford

Getting a diagnosis of dementia can be upsetting and overwhelming. It's often difficult to talk openly and it's common to feel isolated, but you're not alone. These sessions aim to help you understand and cope with the changes ahead and spend time and share with other newly diagnosed people and families. We design and deliver ... Read more

St Margaret’s Institute Memory Cafe – Oxford

St Margaret's Institute 30 Polstead Rd, Oxford

A welcoming and supportive environment for everyone with memory problems and their carers on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, from 2:30pm - 3:30pm. One of our Dementia Advisers will come along to answer any questions you have about dementia, being a carer, and what support we can provide. For more information, please ... Read more

Event Series Wheatley Memory Cafe

Wheatley Memory Cafe

Wheatley United Reformed Church High Street, Wheatley

Come and join with others for coffee and biscuits, conversation and activities including painting, table top games, jigsaws, music and singing. Held on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10am-12.30pm. Carers are asked to stay and are able to speak to one another whilst their loved ones are engaged in activities. To find out ... Read more

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