Banbury Musical Memories
St Francis' Church Highlands, BanburyBanbury Musical Memories is a social activity for people with dementia and their carers, enabling them to sing along with others who are in a similar situation, in a stimulating and safe environment. They meet on the first and third Monday of each month between 10.30 am and 12 noon (not on Bank Holidays). The group is supported by one of ... Read more
Didcot Memory Cafe
Valerian Court Care Home The Broadway, DidcotThe Didcot Memory Cafe is a great place to sit down with a cup of tea and meet people who are in the same situation as you. Tea, coffee, and other refreshments will be provided. Parking is available and a bus stop is nearby. The venue is also wheelchair accessible. The cafe runs every other ... Read more
Carterton Memory Cafe
The Sanctuary Carterton Methodist Church, Burford Road, CartertonThe Forget Me Not Cafe is a great opportunity for those in and around Carterton to connect with their community. The cafe is designed for people living with dementia, their family and carers. One of our Dementia Advisers will attend these sessions to help anyone needing information, advice, and guidance with dementia. The Cafe runs ... Read more
Bicester Memory Cafe
Bicester Methodist Church Bell lane, BicesterA free opportunity to enjoy coffee, cake and companionship to promote living well with dementia. A Dementia Adviser will be able to connect you to local support services and provide advice & information. There is free parking in the area, with disabled parking available nearby. The venue is also just a short walk from the ... Read more
Wheatley Memory Cafe
Wheatley United Reformed Church High Street, WheatleyCome and join with others for coffee and biscuits, conversation and activities including painting, table top games, jigsaws, music and singing. Held on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10am-12.30pm. Carers are asked to stay and are able to speak to one another whilst their loved ones are engaged in activities. To find out ... Read more
Carterton Memory Cafe
The Sanctuary Carterton Methodist Church, Burford Road, CartertonThe Forget Me Not Cafe is a great opportunity for those in and around Carterton to connect with their community. The cafe is designed for people living with dementia, their family and carers. One of our Dementia Advisers will attend these sessions to help anyone needing information, advice, and guidance with dementia. The Cafe runs ... Read more
Banbury Musical Memories
St Francis' Church Highlands, BanburyBanbury Musical Memories is a social activity for people with dementia and their carers, enabling them to sing along with others who are in a similar situation, in a stimulating and safe environment. They meet on the first and third Monday of each month between 10.30 am and 12 noon (not on Bank Holidays). The group is supported by one of ... Read more
Didcot Memory Cafe
Valerian Court Care Home The Broadway, DidcotThe Didcot Memory Cafe is a great place to sit down with a cup of tea and meet people who are in the same situation as you. Tea, coffee, and other refreshments will be provided. Parking is available and a bus stop is nearby. The venue is also wheelchair accessible. The cafe runs every other ... Read more
Henley Coffee Club
Henley Manor Care Home Mill Lane, Henley-on-ThamesThe Henley Coffee Club is an opportunity to spend time in a friendly social atmosphere, with refreshments provided. The group is hosted by Henley Manor Care Home and designed for families, carers and those living with dementia. It is supported by a Dementia Adviser from Dementia Oxfordshire. Takes place on the third Tuesday of every ... Read more
Ampleforth Carers Workshop
The Ampleforth Arms 53 Collinwood Road, Headington, OxfordOur Carers’ Workshop takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and is a wonderful opportunity for carers to learn more about dementia, connect with others in a similar situation, maintain their well-being and navigate the journey of caring for someone with dementia, in a safe and warm environment. Each month we'll tackle a ... Read more
Carterton Memory Cafe
The Sanctuary Carterton Methodist Church, Burford Road, CartertonThe Forget Me Not Cafe is a great opportunity for those in and around Carterton to connect with their community. The cafe is designed for people living with dementia, their family and carers. One of our Dementia Advisers will attend these sessions to help anyone needing information, advice, and guidance with dementia. The Cafe runs ... Read more
Carterton Memory Cafe
The Sanctuary Carterton Methodist Church, Burford Road, CartertonThe Forget Me Not Cafe is a great opportunity for those in and around Carterton to connect with their community. The cafe is designed for people living with dementia, their family and carers. One of our Dementia Advisers will attend these sessions to help anyone needing information, advice, and guidance with dementia. The Cafe runs ... Read more
Banbury Musical Memories
St Francis' Church Highlands, BanburyBanbury Musical Memories is a social activity for people with dementia and their carers, enabling them to sing along with others who are in a similar situation, in a stimulating and safe environment. They meet on the first and third Monday of each month between 10.30 am and 12 noon (not on Bank Holidays). The group is supported by one of ... Read more
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