Our next Information Fayre is due to be held in Faringdon on Thursday 17th April from 10am – 1pm. Pop along and find out more...
If you’re free this Friday, why not come along to our festive Winter Fayre for a full day of entertainment, activities, shopping and information! ...
Whilst it’s important to remember that Christmas can be overwhelming for someone living with dementia – and potentially difficult for family members who are caring...
Preparations are well under way for our annual dementia-friendly Winter Fayre. As ever, the event promises to be a day filled with festive cheer, with...
Do you have a few minutes to tell us about how you use Dementia Oxfordshire services? Are you happy to let us know what you...
Our first Foods of the World Bring and Share lunch took us all around the globe without ever leaving the comfort of the Bullingdon Community...