

A huge thank you to Rachel and the Millers Grange Care Home team for raising over £1500 for Dementia Oxfordshire....
An opportunity to meet our friendly team, get advice on anything relating to dementia, try a carer education session and enjoy some tea and cake....
Steps you can take to support your mental health, or that of a loved one living with dementia....
The latest edition of Age UK Oxfordshire’s quarterly magazine has just been released....
Age UK Oxfordshire have released their handbook of services containing information on how they can support you....
Treat yourself to new jewellery, accessories and refreshments at the Littlebury Hotel, Bicester on the 14th October....
Cherwell District Council and Age UK Oxfordshire are hosting 3 events to celebrate International Day for Older People....
Rachel Scurr is shaving her head to raise money for Dementia Oxfordshire at the Millers Grange ruby anniversary fete....
Wildlife Trust and Age UK Berkshire are running a 10-week dementia-friendly Engaging with Nature Programme in Sonning Common....
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