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Reading Well for Dementia

Reading Well for Dementia

2 minute read

New reading suggestions from Oxfordshire libraries

Oxfordshire Libraries has put together a new reading list which recommends helpful books for people living with dementia, as well as titles for family members, friends and carers. 

The book list is targeted at people living with dementia, carers and family members, including younger children, to help them understand more about dementia. Some of the recommended books provide information and advice and there are also personal stories and children’s fiction.

The Reading Well for Dementia book list has been chosen and endorsed by leading health professionals and co-produced with people with lived experience of dementia. 

Where can I find the books?

All the titles are in stock within Oxfordshire Libraries, and some are available in large print or audio versions. 

If you can’t find the title you want in a particular branch, do talk to staff and they will be able to order it in for you. 

Wendy Mitchell chats to Dementia Oxfordshire

One of the titles on the list is the bestselling “Somebody that I Used to Know” by the late Wendy Mitchell, who had been living with dementia for several years. 

You can watch Wendy in conversation in one of Dementia Oxfordshire’s Sharing Sessions here

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