Why donate?
Every penny you raise through fundraising enables Age UK Oxfordshire to continue to provide dementia support, through Dementia Oxfordshire, to everyone in the county.
Dementia is life changing but by providing the right information and individualised support we help people living with dementia and their carers. It is our aim to support people to live independently for as long as possible and to lead positive and fulfilling lives, no matter the stage of dementia.
This wouldn’t be possible without the support of people like you. Give today and help people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends, to access the support they need.
How you can donate
By post
You can send a cheque payable to Age UK Oxfordshire with ‘FAO Dementia Oxfordshire’ written on the back to 9 Napier Court, Barton Lane, Abingdon, OX14 3YT.
You can donate online via our JustGiving page.
We would love to acknowledge and thank our contributors for their donations, however, JustGiving does not always give us enough information. If you would like your donation to be acknowledged, please email fundraising@dementiaoxfordshire.org.uk with the details of your online contribution.
By bank transfer
If you would like to organise a donation via bank transfer, please call or email either:
- Kerry Hyatt – 07468 862180 – kerryhyatt@dementiaoxfordshire.org.uk
- Rose Crozier – 07827 235437 – rosecrozier@dementiaoxfordshire.org.uk
Other ways to give
Memorial gifts
Many people graciously decide to remember us in their will or take up a collection for us at a funeral. If you would like more information about legacy gifts, please do get in touch with Mel, on 07464 498330, melpaterson@ageukoxfordshire.org.uk, who can answer your questions.
Fundraise for us
From cycling to growing flowers there’s lots of creative ways to raise money. To find out more about how to fundraise for Dementia Oxfordshire, visit our fundraising page.