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Take part in Oxfordshire County Council’s review of dementia services

Take part in Oxfordshire County Council’s review of dementia services

2 minute read

Oxfordshire County Council wants to hear your views about local dementia services! If you are living with dementia, or looking after someone who is, OCC wants to know what you think about the support currently on offer across the county.

Feedback event

If you’d like your voice to be heard, do come along to OCC’s Living Well with Dementia 2024 feedback event on Friday 13th December at Sandford-on-Thames Village Hall. The event will take the form of small group supported discussions and some of the Dementia Oxfordshire team will be taking part, along with other professionals who support people living with dementia and their families.

The event runs from 10am to 1pm, with the option to stay for lunch. To register your interest and inform them of any dietary or transport needs, please call 07526 582799 by 2nd December.

You can take a look at the agenda for the day here

Take the survey

There is also the chance to let them know your thoughts via a survey, which is open until 20th December.

  • If you are living with dementia, complete the survey here.
  • If you are an unpaid carer for someone living with dementia, complete the survey here.
  • If you are a professional working with people who live with dementia and their families/carers, complete the survey here


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