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Dementia friendly cinema

Dementia friendly cinema

5 minute read

Watching movies is a wonderful social activity for everyone. There is nothing better than watching a film in a theatre and sharing that experience with others.

Did you know that some cinemas offer ‘dementia friendly’ screenings?

These events are part of an initiative to make cinema more accessible, fun, friendly and inclusive.

Usually in ‘dementia friendly’ events, the lights in the cinema are low, not overwhelming. Adverts/trailers are usually not shown to avoid confusion. The audience is allowed to move around if needed, so they able to familiarse with their surroundings.

Intervals are relaxed and friendly. Tea, coffee and biscuits may be served to enhance the ‘social’ experience

"Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theatre" - Roman Polanski

Cinemas who run 'Dementia Friendly' screenings

Location: Banbury
Cinema:   The Light
Website:  https://banbury.thelight.co.uk/dementia-friendly
Address:  Spiceball Park Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 2PA
Tel No:     
There does not appear to be a direct telephone number but there is an online chat on their website

General Information:   Dementia friendly screenings have no adverts or trailers, lighting remains slightly raised throughout film. Refreshments served before film.
A friend, family member or carer must be in attendance. Tickets are £5 and free for carer.

Location: Oxford
Cinema:   Phoenix Picturehouse Cinema
Website:  https://www.picturehouses.com/event-details/0000000031/dementia-friendly-screenings

Address:  57 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AET
Tel No:   
020 7326 2649

General Information:  Dementia friendly screenings open to all but specifically to people living with dementia. Free refreshments served before film. There is a short interval. A friend, family member or carer must be in attendance.  Tickets are £4.30 and free for carer.

Location: Henley on Thames
Cinema:   Regal Picturehouse
Website:  https://www.picturehouses.com/event-details/0000000031/dementia-friendly-screenings

Address: 2 Boroma Way, Henley on Thames RG9 2BZ
Tel No: 
020 7326 2649

General Information:

Dementia friendly screenings are held every 1st Wednesday every month from 10.30 am. Screenings are open to all but cater to people living with dementia. Free refreshments served from 10.30 am. There is a short interval during the film. A friend, family member or carer must be in attendance.

Tickets are £4.00 and free for carer. Film titles are usually from the ‘Golden Age’ but can be modern films too.

Location:  Swindon
Cinema:    Swindon Arts Centre
Website:   https://swindontheatres.co.uk/online/tickets-memory-cinema-jul-2019

Address:   The Arts Centre, Devizes Road, Old Town, Swindon SN1 4BJ
Tel No:     
01793 524 481

General Information: For details please call the main telephone number. They are still running dementia screenings Autumn 2023 but just not listed on their website yet.

Location:  Bracknell
Cinema:    South Hill Park
Website:   https://www.southhillpark.org.uk/

Address:   South Hill Park, Ringmead, Bracknell, Berkshire RG21 7PA
Tel No:     
01344 484 123

General Information: Dementia friendly screenings are held on the second Monday of each month, in calm surroundings (dimmed lights and reduced sound level). Doors open at 1.30pm for a 2pm start. Free refreshments are served after each film. All staff and volunteers are ‘Dementia Friends’. 

A friend, family member or carer must be in attendance.

A ‘DF’ symbol against a film listing means that the screening is dementia friendly. Tickets are £6.00.


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